Saturday, March 14, 2009

So as I was walking into the movie theatre a women in front of me with her husband totally trips and falls. I could tell she felt stupid so I said to her "Seriously, don't worry about it. I fall all the time. You totally picked the right person to fall in front of." She responded by saying I was sweet and we quickly became bumper buddies. 

As I was leaving the movie, which was a good movie, but not nearly as uplifting as I wanted it to be, I am walking along Broadway trying to figure out what way to go to get home as quickly as possible as I still felt awful and just wanted the comfort of my teddy bears. Of course there is a metal square covering a part of the cement and I totally trip and fall flat on my face. It hurt. It was not one of those "haha laugh it off get right back up again" falls. Luckily, I am fine and came home with nothing more than a few pulled muscles, and some very big scrapes and bruises, along with a tiny sore ankle. For a minute there on the ground I thought I sprained it. I just thought today was kind of a serious of ironic events.

It would be super if any time now they turned into very positive ironic events. 

I really hope that Whit made it there safely. I know his flight was super delayed but I HATE not being able to talk to him and just make sure he is ok. Very scary. 

Til next time.

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